Sustainability Champions
We've selected 23 businesses to be our first Sustainability Champions. They're at different points on their own sustainability journeys, are a mixture of type and size of business, but all are passionate about making changes to the way they operate to benefit the planet and their own businesses. You can find out more about the Champions and their sustainable practices through our online forums and a series of case studies we are creating.
The Sustainability Champions project has been funded by UKSPF through Cotswold and West Oxfordshire district councils.
Our Sustainability Champions are:
- Abbey Home Farm
- Blenheim Palace
- Calcot & Spa
- Campden Yurts
- Chloe's, Charlbury
- Costwold Alpacas
- Cotswold Lakes Brew Co
- Cotswolds Distillery
- Eco Able
- Eco Chic Cottages
- Fairytale Farm
- FarmED
- Go Cotswolds
- Habitat Escapes
- Heath Farm Holiday Cottages
- Kelmscott Manor
- Phive
- Salt & Steel
- The Cotswold Range
- The Killingworth Castle
- The Royal Oak, Ramsden
- Thyme
- Westonbirt - The National Arboretum
Sustainability Forums
Join our Sustainability Forums and discover how you can bring sustainable practices into your business.
Over the coming months, we will be running a series of sessions with our new Sustainability Champions, who will share their knowledge, passion and ideas that can be replicated by other visitor economy businesses.
Book Your FREE Place
The first four forums are open for reservations.
Tues 11 March Influencing Visitors Reserve your place
Weds 19 March Accommodation Reserve your place
Fri 21 March Attractions & Activities Reserve your place
Thurs 27 March Nature-related Activities Reserve your place
Case Studies
We have created a series of case studies highlighting some of the sustainable business practices undertaken by our Champions. In the coming weeks we will add written case studies on all our Champions, but in the meantime, please watch and enjoy our series of film case studies created by British travel writer Simon Parker.